wire 2020 update from IWMA

24 September 2020

Considering the current unique situation regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, IWMA understands the uncertainty of some member companies about the forthcoming wire and Tube exhibition taking place on the re-arranged dates […]

Considering the current unique situation regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, IWMA understands the uncertainty of some member companies about the forthcoming wire and Tube exhibition taking place on the re-arranged dates of 7-11 December. However, following the comprehensive hygiene and infection protection concept published by Messe Düsseldorf, the association is keen to take this opportunity for businesses to get back to some sort of normality, therefore IWMA will be exhibiting as normal with social distancing enforced on the stand, finding new ways to provide the best service possible for our members.

The number of visitors for wire and Tube will be reduced compared to previous years in relation to the exhibition floor space due to social distancing rules, but with only a few exhibitors having cancelled to date, IWMA feels that the show will still be beneficial for members to attend.

The recent Caravan Salon exhibition, the first organised by Messe Düsseldorf held at the showground since the pandemic started, was well attended and the hygiene and protection policy executed by Messe Düsseldorf was excellent. Both visitors and exhibitors reported they felt safe and well protected, proving that the exhibition can still take place.

As of today, the Messe Düsseldorf confirms that the exhibition will still go ahead. In addition to this on 14th September 2020 AUMA (Association of the German Trade Fair Industry) announced opening of the German borders for trade fair participants in order to restore the internationality of the leading German trade fairs. AUMA has stated “it is generally possible for trade fair participants from abroad to enter Germany. No travel restrictions apply for travellers from EU member states and from countries on the positive list. Trade fair participants from all other countries can also enter Germany, as they are considered business travellers with an urgent need to travel. Trade fair participants from these countries must provide proof of their participation in the trade fair when applying for a visa or respectively when entering Germany:

  • Employees of exhibiting companies must present a confirmation of their participation in the fair from the trade fair organiser.
  • Visitors to the trade fair must present their entry ticket to the trade fair and additionally provide proof of an appointment for a business meeting with at least one exhibitor at the location at the trade fair.

Read the full article from AUMA on their website here – https://www.auma.de/en/exhibit/legal-matters/entry-requirements

Both the IWMA and Messe Düsseldorf agree this is a positive step that allows people from far and wide to come to Düsseldorf to take part in the world’s most important trade fair for the wire and cable industry.


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